Channel 4 - The Great Globalwarming Swindle

Updated: Excellent HQ version found on

Part I

Part II

Update: Myspace link deleted

HQ version on Veoh

The Great Global Warming Swindle

As suggested by the apt title, this programme — essential viewing for politicians, teachers, motorists and the entire transport sector, grass roots environmentalists and all 'True Believers' in man-made climate change — will reveal and confirm: how the Sun is an overwhelming influence on continuous climate change over decades and centuries (there is no way for taxation or lifestyle fascism to alter the Sun's eruptivity and irradiance) how carbon dioxide levels are predominantly an effect and not a cause of climate change (a very inconvenient truth) why politicians have been so enthusiastic about embracing the fallacy of human impact on global climate (trojan horses aren't a protected species) what lies behind the green industry (courtesy of a founder member and former leader of Greenpeace) how forecasts of warming and its impacts are grossly exaggerated, with stasis and cooling ahead and therefore why the UN IPCC needs urgent fundamental reform - or abolishing completely
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Frank Kitman