Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Breaking The Chains: The Battle To Find and Use My Voice

Breaking The Chains: The Battle To Find and Use My Voice

When filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered on an Amsterdam street, a message was attached to his body: Ayaan Hirsi Ali was next. As a Dutch parliament member, Ali worked to secure basic human rights for female Muslim immigrants. She shares her journey, from a forced marriage to a new life in the West.


Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an outspoken defender of women's rights in Islamic societies, Hirsi Ali was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. She escaped an arranged marriage by immigrating to the Netherlands in 1992, and served as a member of the Dutch parliament from 2003 to 2006. In parliament, she worked on furthering the integration of non-Western immigrants into Dutch society, and on defending the rights of women in Dutch muslim society. In 2004, together with director Theo van Gogh, she made Submission, a film about the oppression of women in conservative Islamic cultures.


Frank Kitman