Thank again to Kabud
An interesting Quote outlining our current position in the russian scheme:
"The main strategic purpose of Phase Three, 'The Period of Dynamic Social Change', was, in the words of the Soviet directive, 'to smash the hope of false democracy' and bring about the total demoralization of the West. Our relationship with the United States would be the vital element in this phase. By fostering belief in our policy of friendship and co-operation with America, we planned to receive the greatest possible economic and technological help from the West, and at the same time convince the Capitalist countries that they had no need of military alliances. The erosion of N.A.T.O. begun in Phase Two would be completed by the withdrawal of the United States from its commitment to the defence of Europe, and by European hostility to military expenditure, generated by economic recession and fanned by the efforts of the 'progressive' movements. To this end we envisaged that it might be necessary to dissolve the Warsaw Pact, in which event we had already prepared a web of bilateral defence arrangements, to be supervised by secret committees of Comecon. The Soviet view was that during Phase Three Capitalism would suffer an economic crisis that would bring Europe to its knees and stimulate the influence of 'progressive' forces in European governments. Our planners believed we could discount the possibility of a world war in this phase because the U.S.A. would have withdrawn its commitment to help its former allies. We could therefore foment local or regional wars in Europe in support of progressive movements - if it should be necessary. Once America had abandoned the defence of Europe, we should apply ourselves to convincing the Europeans that the U.S. was pursuing a self-interested policy and even conspiring actively against them; thus we would increase America's isolation. Under the Plan, we Czechs were to concentrate our efforts on those
countries with which we had enjoyed close ties before the Second World War. We were to penetrate the Social Democrats in Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Scandinavia, and we launched disinformation operations, especially in France. We were to continue enlisting and training recruits from Latin America and the British Commonwealth to overthrow their Governments" pp. 107
Sejna - We Will Bury You - The Soviet Plan for the Subversion of the West by the Highest Ranking Communist ...