Interesting interview with Douglas Murray highlighting the disturbing figures contained in below report from the Center for Social Cohesion. This updated version of student pollings also contains a comprehensive list of radical speakers moving around freely on UK universities. Seems as if the "Tiny Minority of Extremists" so often reffered to, really refers to a "Tiny Majority of Moderates"...
Almost a third (32%) of Muslim students polled said killing in the name of religion was ever justified.
A third (33%) of Muslim students polled declared they were supportive of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate based on Sharia law.
Two fifths (40%) of Muslim students polled supported the introduction of Sharia law into British law for Muslims.
Two thirds (66%) of Muslim students polled said they had lost respect for the British government because of the invasion of Iraq.
Almost a third (30%) of Muslim students polled also said their respect for British society had increased based on the public’s (largely negative) reac-tion to the Iraq war.
A quarter (25%) of Muslim students (and 32% of male Muslim students)
polled said they had ‘not very much’ or ‘no respect at all’ for homosexuals.
Almost a quarter (24%) of Muslim student respondents did not think that men and women are equal in the eyes of God.
Two fifths (40%) of Muslim students polled felt it unacceptable for Muslim men and women to associate freely.
6% of Muslim students polled said that converts from Islam should be punished ‘in accordance with Sharia law.
Douglas Murray - Muslim Student Oppinoin and Extremist on Universities