Douglas Murray - Radical Islam on UK Campusses - Interview and CSC report

Interesting interview with Douglas Murray highlighting the disturbing figures contained in below report from the Center for Social Cohesion. This updated version of student pollings also contains a comprehensive list of radical speakers moving around freely on UK universities. Seems as if the "Tiny Minority of Extremists" so often reffered to, really refers to a "Tiny Majority of Moderates"...

Almost a third (32%) of Muslim students polled said killing in the name of religion was ever justified.

A third (33%) of Muslim students polled declared they were supportive of a worldwide Islamic Caliphate based on Sharia law.

Two fifths (40%) of Muslim students polled supported the introduction of Sharia law into British law for Muslims.

Two thirds (66%) of Muslim students polled said they had lost respect for the British government because of the invasion of Iraq.

Almost a third (30%) of Muslim students polled also said their respect for British society had increased based on the public’s (largely negative) reac-tion to the Iraq war.

A quarter (25%) of Muslim students (and 32% of male Muslim students)
polled said they had ‘not very much’ or ‘no respect at all’ for homosexuals.

Almost a quarter (24%) of Muslim student respondents did not think that men and women are equal in the eyes of God.

Two fifths (40%) of Muslim students polled felt it unacceptable for Muslim men and women to associate freely.

6% of Muslim students polled said that converts from Islam should be punished ‘in accordance with Sharia law.

Douglas Murray - Muslim Student Oppinoin and Extremist on Universities                                                              


Frank Kitman