Brilliant new Program from Channel 4s outstanding Dispatches-series.
They have once again managed to deliver a shipload of evidence on the subversive intent of religious muslims living in the west.
The pious Muslims have infiltrated a labour party, already heavily infiltrated by revolutionary socialists and KGB-sympathising traitors. In short - the unholy alliance is successfully running things in Great Britain.
Comparing the legislation in islamic republics, former socialist countries and the official Labour Party Program you have to arrive at one of two simple conclusions: Either there simply is no limit to the stupidity of the Labour Party; or they are themselves involved in a most evil scheme of deception and betrayal of their own electorate, the very people who will be first to face the consequences.
A clip from todays newspaper
Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party
A Labour minister says his party has been infiltrated by a fundamentalist
Muslim group that wants to create an “Islamic social and political order” in
The Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) — which believes in jihad and sharia law,
and wants to turn Britain and Europe into an Islamic state — has placed
sympathisers in elected office and claims, correctly, to be able to achieve
“mass mobilisation” of voters.
“They are acting almost as an entryist organisation, placing people within the
political parties, recruiting members to those political parties, trying to
get individuals selected and elected so they can exercise political
influence and power, whether it’s at local government level or national
level,” he said.
“They are completely at odds with Labour’s programme, with our support for
Thanks to pkgulag