Top25 Speeches on Jihad

Wafa Sultan Memri Series + Complete 25 minute Al-Jazeera Clash of Civilisations Debate
All posted speeches by Wafa Sultan

Geert Wilders: House of Lords
All posted speeches by Geert Wilders

Newt Gingrich Speech on the threats to the free world
All posted speeches by Newt Gingrich

Allen West at the Freedom Defense Initiative
All posted speeches by Allen West

Samuel Huntington -The Clash of Civilizations
All posted speeches by Samuel Huntington

David G. Littman: 25 years at the UN Human Rights bodiesA retrospective

All posted speeches by David Littman

Robert Spencer: Stealth Jihad
All posted speeches by Robert Spencer

Nonie Darwish: Cruel And Usual Punishment - Full Presentation
All posted speeches by Nonie Darwish

Paul Sperry: Muslim Infiltration
All posted speeches by Paul Sperry

Bat Yeor: Eurabia
All posted speeches Bat Yeor

David Horowitz interviewed by Clement Kjaersgaard
All posted speeches by David Horowitz

Steven Coughlin: Abrogation in the Quran
All posted speeches by Steven Coughlin


Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Full Speech at University of Wisconsin
All posted speeches by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Zakaria Botros interviewed by Michael Coren
All posted speeches by Zakaria Botros

Andrew Bostom - The Legacy of Jihad
All posted speeches by Andrew Bostom

Dick Cheney: Enhanced Interrogation Technique
All Posted Speeches by Dick Cheney

Simon Deng: On the Genocide in Sudan and Muslim Enslavement of Christians
All posted speeches by Simon Deng

Bruce Bawer In Ottawa
All posted speeches by Bruce Bawer

Frank Gaffney: Jihad With Money
All posted speeches by Frank Gaffney

Brigitte Gabriel: Radical Islam and How to Defeat It
All posted speeches by Brigitte Gabriel

Walid Shoebat - The Kingdom of the Anti-christ
All posted speeches by Walid Shoebat

Ezra Levant Interrogated by Alberta Human Rights Comission
All posted speeches by Ezra Levant

4 is missing - I´ll get around to those soon!